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]]>After more than a decade of development time, it's sounding like Star Citizen is finally nearing its 1.0 release.
]]>Good news, people with cash to burn and a love of the final frontier, you can now purchase a Star Citizen DLC that gives you every ship in the game for the very reasonable price of just over £46,000.
]]>Starting today, Star Citizen is going live with the Alpha 3.16 Return to Jumptown update - which is bringing back one of the game’s most popular PvP game modes alongside several other significant additions to the game. Jumptown 2.0 is inspired by a previous mode of the name name, which has a team of criminals fight law enforcement over illegal substances in giant PvP battles.
]]>Star Citizen developer, Cloud Imperium, has issued a new progress update on the title's single-player campaign, Squadron 42.
]]>It looks like the single-player campaign for Star Citizen is still a fair way off, according to developer Cloud Imperium Games.
]]>Star Citizen developer CIG is struggling to put together a roadmap for the long-in-development Squadron 42 story campaign.
]]>Cloud Imperium Games has kicked off Invictus Launch Week in Star Citizen, which is an 11-day “Free Fly” event.
]]>Star Citizen players will be pleased to know Alpha 3.9: Locked Up and Loaded is now available.
]]>Cloud Imperium has released a new Star Citizen video which acquaints you with the Actor Status System.
]]>The developer of Star Citizen is hitting back at Crytek as the lengthy legal battle continues.
]]>Crytek is looking to delay its suit against Cloud Imperium Games.
]]>Star Citizen, the seemingly upcoming space sim that has been funded by enormous player investments, just found a way to get a lot more money from its fans.
]]>Cloud Imperium co-founder and Star Citizen designer Chris Roberts is being blamed for much of the game's delays and laboured seven year development.
]]>Squadron 42, the single-player, story-driven portion of Star Citizen, has been - much like the rest of the game - in development for a very long time.
]]>Funding for Star Citizen has reached stellar heights after shooting past the $200 million mark this weekend.
]]>During the most recent CitizenCon, Cloud Imperium Games announced that FOIP face tracking was coming to Star Citizen.
]]>At CitizenCon 2018 this week, Cloud Imperium showed plenty of gameplay for Star Citizen.
]]>If you’ve ever wondered why development on Star Citizen is so slow, you only have to look at its latest new feature to understand why.
]]>CitizenCon is a go and Cloud Imperium Games has shown off an all-new gameplay trailer for Squadron 42.
]]>Star Citizen, a game that is no longer active on traditional crowdfunding channels, makes a lot more than those that are.
]]>Star Citizen - the long-in-development crowdfunded project from Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games and Roberts Space Industries - could be facing some legal trouble.
]]>Star Citizen's crowdfunding campaign is still going strong.
]]>This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.
]]>To celebrate Citizen Con, all Star Citizen backers get to try out flyable ships for a few days.
]]>Star Citizen gets a bit Dune, a bit phallic and a bit s**t-your-pants in this snippet of footage from a recent fan event.
]]>A new release window hasn't been confirmed.
]]>Star Citizen might be about space, but the combat is looking remarkably polished.
]]>While players were busy mining asteroids, Max was datamining Star Citizen's files.
]]>The gamescom 2016 demo of Star Citizen updates everyone on the progress the game has made since its last showing.
]]>Mm, yes.
]]>Star Citizen: Squadron 42 has an all-star cast, and at least one member was on board from day one, no questions asked.
]]>Star Citizen is free for several days, giving you a chance to make up your mind before it becomes more expensive.
]]>Star Citizen has one foot out the door and Squadron 42 keeps making passive aggressive comments. Probably.
]]>You can give Star Citizen a try for the next week if you're keen.
]]>Scully from the X-Files has found her way aboard a starship somehow in this new Star Citizen video.
]]>The latest trailer for Star Citizen is one impressive video, running in real-time.
]]>Star Citizen's Alpha 2.0 version is now available for all backers to play.
]]>Star Citizen isn't finished yet, but alpha 2.0 brings so may new features and doodads that it's worth noting.
]]>Mark Hamill, known for far too many cool roles to name them, will be part of Star Citizen's campaign mode.
]]>Star Citizen provides two updates. What a day of bounty.
]]>There's a person out there who put $30,000 into Star Citizen. Today, he tells everyone why.
]]>Star Citizen has dropped its premium access tiers in favour of allowing all backers to enjoy every new build.
]]>Actor Gary Oldman will star as Admiral Bishop in Star Citizen it has been announced. Along with Oldman, Gillian Anderson, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, John Rhys-Davies and more will also star.
]]>The social module has been released by Star Citizen, which gives players the opportunity to explore various landing zones with up to 24 players.
]]>Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games will give you your money back, but says not many people want a refund.
]]>Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium unveiled the new multi-crew feature today at gamescom, and if you missed the Twitch stream. you can have a look at the demo for the feature below.
]]>Star Citizen's FPS module Star Marine has been delayed due to a mix of "technical blockers and gameplay issues."
]]>The FPS module of Star Citizen has been named Star Marine and the developer has detailed its plans for the space-sim's latest component.
]]>Star Citizen continues its funding streak with backers pumping another $1 million into the game's development in the last two weeks.
]]>Star Citizen has 1.1, the first major update since the Arena Commander module landed.
]]>Star Citizen's latest highlight reel shows a space sim approaching the event horizon of greatness.
]]>Those wanting to give Star Citizen from Roberts Space Industries a go can do so for free using one of two codes.
]]>Star Citizen is going to be huge. Huuuuuuuuuge.
]]>Star Citizen has received a new, incredibly detailed, damage model that applies to all in-game ships.
]]>Developers behind space exploration games Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen will honour the memory of Leonard Nimoy through in-game memorials.
]]>Star Citizen will soon be more than a collection of modules and the fervent hopes of its crowdfunding backers, apparently.
]]>Arena Commander 1.0.2 is now available for Star Citizen.
]]>Star Citizen lead Chris Roberts has shared release windows for several modules of the space simulation sandbox.
]]>Star Citizen players can now experience the delights of untested, in-beta features even more than they already do in the incomplete, unreleased game! Yayy!
]]>Star Citizen purchases will shortly become slightly more expensive for European games.
]]>Star Citizen has rocketed past $63 million in crowdfunding.
]]>Cloud Imperium Games revealed the first person shooter module for Star Citizen today during a presentation at PAX Australia.
]]>Star Citizen is still a long way from finished, but here's ten minutes of footage showing off what might be.
]]>Star Citizen has shattered crowdfunding records by raising over $55 million, but Chris Roberts says that money is not going into his pockets.
]]>This article first appeared on USgamer, a partner publication of VG247. Some content, such as this article, has been migrated to VG247 for posterity after USgamer's closure - but it has not been edited or further vetted by the VG247 team.
]]>Star Citizen has now crowdfunded over $50 million dollars, after a new line of in-game spaceships went on sale last Friday.
]]>In the last 22 hours, six videos for Star Citizen have been releases, covering everything from hangars to FPS elements.
]]>Star Citizen funding has now hit $48 million, according to Cloud Imperium boss Chris Roberts who also announced a $50 million stretch goal.
]]>Star Citizen backers have coughed up a hell of a lot of money on faith, and Cloud Imperium has finally rewarded them with a substantial bit of gameplay.
]]>Star Citizen has now raised $44 million total through its crowdfunding efforts, Roberts Space Industries has announced.
]]>Star Citizen has now raised $43 million total through its crowdfunding efforts, Roberts Space Industries has announced. The latest milestone unlocked a set of marine combat armour for backers. Rewards have been announced for $44 million and $45 million, with fans asked to vote on what will be offered at $46 million. Star Citizen is expected on PC in 2015.
]]>Star Citizen fans have now poured $42 million into Roberts Space Industries' coffers, ensuring new content both for the space sim in general as well as for all early backers.
]]>Footage has emerged from PAX East of Star Citizen's eagerly-awaited dogfighting module. It's incredibly pretty, but also a bit buggy. It's early days, after all.
]]>Star Citizen was shown off by Chris Roberts during a PAX East panel today, and the live demo showed many things indeed: including a look at Dogfighting. It's below.
]]>Star Citizen crowd-funding has $41 million, which arguably amounts to a huge success for creator Chris Robert and his team Cloud Imperium Games. However, this success will not see the company sold off to the highest bidder, he said, underlining his desire for independence.
]]>Star Citizen has passed the $41 million mark in funding. And as promised, the simulation will not get procedurally generated content.
]]>Moon Collider, the company behind artificial intelligence system Kythera, and Cloud Imperium Games have announced partnership which will ensure the AI is included in Star Citizen.
]]>Star Citizen fans have now pledged a whopping $40 million to the Cloud Imperium Games sci-fi sandbox.
]]>Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games has posted its first monthly report on the status of the space simulation title. In it there were two main things of note: the Dogfighting Module has been given a release time-frame, and the development team size is 212 strong.
]]>Star Citizen has now netted $39 million in funding, and the new $40 million stretch goal would add a procedural generation R&D team for "creating entire planets worth of exploration and development content."
]]>Star Citizen studio Roberts Space Industries and Kingdom Come: Deliverance team Warhorse Studios have announced an "unofficial partnership" that will see both teams sharing technical knowledge. Both titles are in development now in CryEngine.
]]>Star Citizen backers have now poured $38 million into Cloud Imperium Games' coffers to help bring the sci-fi sandbox simulation to market.
]]>Users of Star Citizen's community Organization System have created over 4,900 orgs in just 12 hours of launch, Cloud Imperium's Chris Roberts has noted in a thank-you letter.
]]>Players can now create groups and organisations, recruit members and sign up for new Live Chat beta.
]]>In news likely to be obsolete by the end of next week, Star Citizen has passed yet another enormous crowdfunding milestone, announcing a further stretch goal.
]]>Star Citizen has hit $33 million, after just this morning the total sat at $31,137,083.
]]>Star Citizen is the crowdfunding campaign that just won't quit, adding another $2 million to its coffers within the last few days.
]]>Star Citizen has passed the $29 million mark in funding, and a new stretch goal has been announced which provides "additional funding for the Squadron 42 single–player experience." A new video detailing the single-player portion has been released and is posted below. Star Citizen is slated for release on PC in late 2014.
]]>Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts has addressed the likelihood of the crowd-funded RPG heading to consoles in future. While he's loathe to dumb the PC title down for a "lesser platform" such as PS3 and Xbox 360, he's not ruling out PS4 and Xbox One.
]]>Star Citizen's crowdfunding campaign shows no signs of slowing down, and in fact accelerated this last month to shoot past its $25 million goal.
]]>Star Citizen had a video available which Roberts Space Industries states is “rendered 100% in-engine in real time at 4k resolution" showing off the Hornet and three variants of it: Ghost, Tracker, and Super Hornet. As if a regular hornet isn't scary enough on its own. You can also look over the specifications through the firm's blog. Star Citizen has now hit over $23 million in funding, and the next stretch goal is $25 million which will provide a larger alpha test net with extra servers and worldwide infrastructure. Thanks, PCgamesN.
]]>Star Citizen has now hit $23 million in funding, which has unlocked the Xi'an scout plane. According to Cloud Imperium's Chris Roberts, the goal isn't "simply to add an extra ship to the game," but to add a new type of ship which can be expanded upon. "Once we've put the effort into building an alien experience for the Khartu, we can apply it to other Xi'an ships moving forward. Essentially, the extra funding lets us build an even more immersive universe," he said. The next stretch goal is $25 million and upon being reached it will provide a larger alpha testing net with extra servers and worldwide infrastructure. This will also expand the number of remaining alpha slots. Thanks, Massively.
]]>Although its presented like a real commercial, this Star Citizen trailer introducing the 2944 Aurora does a great job of showing off how many options players have to customise their ship even within just one product line.
]]>Star Citizen fans can get involved directly in the development of the space sim and win some cash in the process through Cloud Imperium's The Next Great Starship modding competition.
]]>Star Citizen has surpassed the $21 million stretch goal, which will see the addition of the Salvage Mechanic career. This means that a new $22 million stretch goal has been announced.
]]>Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts will deliver a talk at GDC Next 2013 in November. His game has raised over $20 million in crowd-funding. Drinks are on him.
]]>Star Citizen has passed the $20 million funding mark. Up next is the $21 million stretch goal which adds a salvage mechanic to the game. Meanwhile, the game has been given new video providing a 15 minute tour of the various ships and their sparkling paint jobs. Along with the Hangar updates, you get to see the amazing detail that has gone into each ship. The space sim is looking rather spiffy, obviously. Granted, it's not an official video, but watch it below anyway, courtesy of YouTube fella Scott Manley. Star Citizen is slated for release on PC in late 2014. Thanks, PCgamesN.
]]>Star Citizen has a new stretch goal which would add a salvage mechanic to the game. According to Cloud Imperium, the addition is "a major gameplay feature," and has its own "story tie-ins, and universe-shaping endgames." The developer also added new concept art for a female explorer avatar to the website along with a poll asking whether the community would like the firm to continue crowdfunding initiatives. Massively reports that 88% of the 13,000 respondents so far have voted to continue crowdfunding for extra features and development milestones. More through the links.
]]>Star Citizen has surpassed its $18 million funding tier, and now backers will receive an “exclusive star system” as noted last week when it smashed the $17 million funding tier.