Manor Lords' publisher has defended the strategy game over a post that it thinks espouses an "endless growth" perspective "that causes so much trouble in the games industry."
]]>What do you think developer Slavic Magic needs to add to Manor Lords next? That's exactly the question it's recently asked the game's community, kicking off a bit of a barney between butcher fans, town wall desirers, and a fair amount of people who lie somewhere between those two extreme orthodoxies.
]]>Publisher Hooded Horse has announced that , Slavic Magic’s critically acclaimed debut, has sold over two million copies across all stores.
]]>Slavic Magic has released an experimental patch for Manor Lords, and it comes with plenty of fixes, new game mechanics, and some upgrades.
]]>How to get money in Manor Lords is a bit more complicated than you might think. Manor Lords’ economy has several layers, and the money your people earn isn’t necessarily your money – until you take it from them, that is.
]]>How to get ale in Manor Lords is a multi-step process that takes a lot of time, so it’s handy that you don’t actually need ale for your first year or so. Taverns run on ale, and a functioning tavern increases your villagers’ approval. That’s nice, but you also need plenty of ale to start upgrading burgage plots to level three and reach the highest settlement level.
]]>Hello. You know Manor Lords, that fun little early access thing that lets you build a nice little medieval village and slowly take over the world by producing more little gamebesons than your tunic-wearing foes? Well, some people have been running into a very, er, non-medieval issue in it. And now there's an equally non-medieval solution doing the rounds.
]]>Getting a Manor Lords clothing stall is essential for upgrading burgage plots, but the city-building strategy game plays it vague. There’s little guiding context for how to make clothing and get someone to set up a stall, but chances are, you probably have (almost) everything you need for it already.
]]>How to get sheep in Manor Lords is something you’ll need to figure out fairly soon to make life easier. Starting your first sheep farm is expensive, but the long-term gains outweigh the initial high costs. Just maybe don’t go overboard in the sheep department at first, depending on which mode you play in.
]]>If you're seeing all the hype for Manor Lords, but can't pick it up right now, don't worry - the game's devs have assured everyone that it'll run frequent discounts.
]]>How to increase influence in Manor Lords is something you want to figure out pretty quickly, regardless of which game mode you’re playing. You need influence to claim new territory, and you need new territory to supply your settlement and increase your status with rival lords. Manor Lords is happy to let you just guess at how influence works, though, with no clear guidance for how to increase it.
]]>Picking the best Manor Lords development points can make a big difference in how prosperous your settlement is – and how easily you can run it. The strategy game’s early access version blocks many of them, but some of the most influential ones are available and from an early period.
]]>How to raise your Manor Lords settlement level seems like a straightforward enough situation. Slavic Magic’s strategy game tells you what burgage plot levels you need and how many to aim for. What it doesn’t tell you is how to raise your burgage plot level.
]]>What to build first in Manor Lords seems like a pretty overwhelming question, with so many options available from the start. Not everything is helpful, and quite a few buildings are a total waste of resources until you have a decent bit of infrastructure set up, which is where this comes in.
]]>A Manor Lords beginner's guide is almost essential. Slavic Magic's strategy game throws plent of choices at you with little context and no indication how your actions might affect the settlement's future. It's easy to make the wrong choice early, so we've put together this little reference to help steer you in the right direction.
]]>The highly-anticipated medieval strategy builder Manor Lords is now available through Early Access.
]]>One year of in-game time into Manor Lords, and I ran into a big problem. A gang of thugs and raiders threatened to invade my shoddy-but-growing demesne, and since I had invested approximately no resources into military defense at that point, things weren’t looking good. I had no money, either, and suddenly had to start raising taxes, throwing all those who work into a bit of a tizzy.
]]>Why is everyone so interested in Manor Lords? The game, an ambitious city builder/RTS hybrid, attempts to simulate how medieval towns were constructed by embracing organic layouts and doing away with the grid systems common in the genre. And, today, it hit 3 million wishlists on Steam – that's no mean feat. It's currently above even Hades 2. That's impressive.