VG247 Black Prophecy Feed

It's Saturday again, and time for your dose of MMO news.

This one has been branded the "trouble" edition, because certain MMOS were either in trouble, or getting out of it this week.

First off, Stargate Worlds is rumored to be in massive trouble, Age of Conan isn't in as much any more, and China has ungrounded World of Warcraft but only a tiny bit. It can still go out on dates, but not whore about the countryside like it had been doing. What a tart.

Other than those bits, the week in MMOs was a bit uneventful. Yeah sure, the major news hit the front page as usual, but there are a few things you may want to know about that didn't. For that, and the rest of it, along with a song devoted to Second Life, read on below.

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