Renowned philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a play based around a version of hell that consists solely of a plain room which three sinners are set to be trapped within together for eternity. There’s no lava, no torture, and no Homer Simpson being fed more doughnuts than anyone could reasonably eat. There’s just the judgement of a group of faces who’re fated to look upon each other forever. There’s no exit.
]]>Like a Dragon: Ishin is packed with all manner of minigames, collectables, and relaxing side activities. Fishing is one such minigame, and if you want to complete it fully, you’ll need to find out how to catch all fish.
]]>Like a Dragon: Ishin has an exciting new feature in the form of trooper cards being the source of abilities in your own personal squad of warriors for use in the streets and challenging battle dungeons. Legendary trooper cards are the most powerful troops available, and a must have if you want to take on end-game content.
]]>The remake of Like A Dragon: Ishin is here, finally releasing worldwide today. This international release will be a first for the game, too, which had only ever been released in Japan before.
]]>In Like a Dragon: Ishin, there are plenty of things to blow ryo on. Whether it’s healing items, weapon crafting, restaurants, trooper recruitment, or otherwise, you need to know how to make money.
]]>As you progress through Like a Dragon: Ishin, you’ll want to be on the lookout for every Book of Revelations you can get, as these are valuable items that are used to unlock special moves across all four of your fighting styles.
]]>So you’ve reached the end of the Brawler dojo story chain in Like a Dragon: Ishin, and now have to show dojo master Komaki what you’ve got. Unfortunately for you, taking on Komaki can be tough — tougher than the final boss in the game even. To take him on, you need a good strategy.
]]>There are loads of substories spread around Like a Dragon: Isshin, some of which require a bit of puzzle solving on your part. One such substory is The Mochi Mystery, a who-dunnit where you must play the part of the humble detective discovering who ate the delicious mochi.
]]>I spend one Ryo for access to the Gion brothel and take on Rock Paper Scissors on the hardest difficulty. It’s a tough fight but I clutch out a win against a now borderline-naked prostitute, and leave her confused as I walk out the door and back to the street. 30 seconds later, I’m unloading three bullets into the chest of a street thug, only for his friend to join my local police force. Like a Dragon: Ishin is exceptionally entertaining.
]]>“I know the type,” says the Chicken Race Receptionist. “The true gamblers. The stallions at the track. The cocks in the henhouse.”
]]>The franchise that was once known as Yakuza has never been bigger. Coming off the back of the mainstream success that was Yakuza: Like A Dragon, series steward RGG Studio has a bright future ahead – albeit one that’s splintering off into a few paths.
]]>SEGA and RGG Studio have released a combat trailer for February's action-adventure game Like a Dragon: Ishin.
]]>Like a Dragon: Ishin voiceovers will only be in Japanese, meaning those in western markets will have to settle for English subtitles.
]]>Like a Dragon: Ishin has just been announced at tonight's Sony State of Play. A remake of a Yakuza spin-off title previously not available in western markets, the shiny new action game will be available on both PS4 and PS5 in February 2023.