NBA 2K14 has been resurrected, and 2K has elected to extend its limited support periods for games with online features.
]]>Online servers for NBA 2K14 went offline last week. Contrary to what 2K said prior however, the users' online save files have not been kept.
]]>2K will be shutting down the servers for NBA 2K14 this month.
]]>A dearth of strong, talented players and a surfeit of weak hacks will bring the NBA to its knees by the 2030's, in a dystopian NBA 2K14 simulation experiment run by sports writer Jon Bois.
]]>PlayStation Plus members can now look forward to a revamped Instant Game Collection starting next week, which gives players two free games on each format.
]]>Sony has announced a new sports game bundle for the Playstation 3.
]]>2K Sports and Virgin Gaming have teamed up for the NBA 2K14 King of the Court Challenge, a month-long online tournament which will culminate with a live Championship match broadcasted by Major League Gaming.
]]>Fable 2 and NBA 2K14 have been discounted over on Xbox Live as part of Microsoft's weekly run of deals.
]]>2K is hosting a mobile sale which kicks off tomorrow for a limited time only.
]]>NBA 2K14 is going to receive its fourth major patch soon, according to 2K Sports.
]]>NBA 2K14 developer 2K Sports has released a new patch for the PS4 and Xbox One editions of its basketball sim. The update addresses several gameplay issues, balancing and stability bugs. Get he full patch notes here.
]]>NBA 2K14 is now available on two next-gen systems (assuming you live in a territory in which both have launched, ahem) so to celebrate here's yet another trailer showing off just how shiny it looks on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
]]>NBA 2K14 has received a new trailer starring sports legend Michael Jordan. In the clip, he picks his favourite dream team and discusses his new shoes. No, really.
]]>NBA 2K14 is now available for PS4 in North America, and arrives in Europe and for Xbox One shortly. The next-gen build has some new features as well as the obvious graphics overhaul; the video below shows off the Eco-Motion engine as well as new and rebuilt modes including MyCAREER, The Park and MyGM.
]]>NBA 2K14 is now available for PS4, and comes with next-gen features such as Eco-Motion Engine, MyCareer, The Park, MyGM, and NBA Today. The game is currently available on PC and current-gen systems. Xbox One users can pick the game up ahead of the consoles launch on November 19, which is you typical US-release Tuesday. Xbox One launches next week on November 22.
]]>Xbox is out next week and you will need every bit of that 500GB hard-drive if you are getting a number of launch games. Get all the install sizes of the games through here.
]]>Next-gen versions of NBA 2K14 will contain a new mode called MyGM which allows players to oversee their entire basketball organization in game, and Real Voice which brings audio from actual NBA interviews directly into the game.
]]>NBA 2K14 has a new video available, showing off the title's Eco-Motion Engine which brings to life crowd reactions, atmosphere, coaching strategies, real player voices, and dynamic player animations.
]]>NBA 2K14's NBA Today feature has been expanded and improved for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version, building on the version seen in the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 version.
]]>Jeff Thomas, the executive vice president of Visual Concepts confirmed that both next generation versions of NBA 2K14 will run at native 1080p and 60 frames per second to IGN.
]]>NBA 2K14 will be made available at launch for next gen consoles, and to give you an idea of what it will look like, 2K Games has released a video showing all in-game footage of the PS4 version. It's below. NBA 2K14 is now available for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.
]]>2K Sports has unveiled the first screenshot of NBA 2K14, showing off how the sim will look on PS4 and Xbox One.
]]>NBA 2K14 has received a new TV spot that gives a quick peek at next-gen footage. Check it out here.
]]>For all its virtues, the regular control overhauls of controls are one of the downsides of the NBA 2K series - something lead gameplay designer Mike Wang regrets.
]]>Microsoft has listed qualifying Xbox 360 games which can be traded-in for a $10 upgrade to the Xbox One counterpart through any Microsoft store.
]]>NBA 2K14 publisher 2K Sports has released a new trailer that discusses a range of sweet signature moves, along with commentary from the devs. Check it out here.
]]>NBA 2K14 has a new gameplay trailer available below the break. The game has all sorts of player moves, modes, improvements and more which Brenna outlined for you here. NBA 2K14 hits PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in early October, with PS4 and Xbox One versions to follow.
]]>Although it's not quite ready to talk about the next-generation versions, 2K Sports has released a lengthy fact sheet running through the many new features and improvements to be found in the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version of NBA 2K14.
]]>NBA 2K14 brings back the most-requested game mode: Crew Mode, which pits you and your buddies against the world.
]]>NBA 2K14's soundtrack was picked by its cover athlete LeBron James, who will apparently also be taking control of some "important elements of the game."
]]>2K has announced NBA 2K14 will include Euroleague teams for first time in the series.
]]>NBA 2K14 and LeBron James were shown running on PS4. 2K Sports said the trailer was not pre-rendered footage, but actual pre-alpha footage of the game shown on PS4. Have a look below. NBA 2K14 will release on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One this fall and will launch day and date with next-gen consoles. Current gen release is set for October 8.
]]>2K Sports today confirmed NBA 2K14 will release on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, with Nintendo's console left out in the cold.
]]>NBA 2K14 has received a teaser trailer care of publisher 2K Games. It shows plenty of three-point, slam-dunk, back-board action. Basketball!