Xbox Games With Gold for October have been announced for Xbox One and Xbox 360.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge will support Microsoft's SmartGlass application when it launches on Xbox 360. This will allow users to pull up statistical information on their phones or tablet, and will sync to YouTube allowing users to browse video walkthroughs and tutorials. Game's out April 2 in North America and April 5 in Europe on PS3 and Xbox 360. New screenshots are below. Thanks, Siliconera.
]]>Tecmo Koei has announced Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, originally released for Wii U, will be released for PS3 and Xbox 360.
]]>Famitsu has listed Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge content for PS3 and Xbox 360 release, confirming an earlier report. As reported by Gematsu, the content bundled in with the Wii U version will go multi-platform in Japan on April 4. Razor's Edge content includes playable characters Ayane, Kasumi, and Momiji, gameplay improvements, new weapons and a new 25 mission challenge called Ninja Trials, which isn't in the Wii U version, as well as extra costumes.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge will receive a title update tomorrow when it launches in the UK, providing players with two exclusive playable characters in the Shadows of the World modes. These characters are Kasumi from the Dead or Alive series and Momiji from Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. Razor's Edge will also be available on the Wii U eShop from midnight tonight, in case you want to skip out on the retail version.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge hits the UK at the end of the week. In order to get you excited for it, Koei Tecmo has released a launch trailer. We've posted it for you below. It's out in the UK on January 11.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge contains the playable character Momiji through the game's Challenge and Ninja Trials modes. Momiji will be added to the game as free DLC early next month. Check her out below. Razor’s Edge hits the US on November 18t alongside Wii U and on January 11 in Europe. Thanks, Siliconera.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on Wii U may just be the "hardcore fan package" you're looking for, according to developer Team Ninja.
]]>Platinum Games producer Atsushi Inaba doesn't want players comparing hack-and-slasher Metal Gear Rising: Revenegeance to Ninja Gaiden 3, which he doesn't hold much affection for.
]]>Tecmo Koei has released its year end financial results, reporting an increase in both earnings and sales thanks to strong performances from Ninja Gaiden 3, Musou Orochi 2, Sengoku Musou 3 Empires and Winning Post 7 2012, as well as royalties from Namco's One Piece Pirate Musou and Nintendo's Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition.
]]>This week's content drop for Ninja Gaiden 3 includes a much requested feature - a hardcore difficulty setting.
]]>Team Ninja has announced the release of Ninja Gaiden 3 DLC for PS3 and Xbox 360. The content should be made available for each system as it updates. The DLC includes the Falcon’s Talons for use in the single-player campaign and the Metal Claws for the multiplayer modes. In addition, the Ninja Trials packs, additional equipment items and a new multiplayer stage are available for download. There's also a new Ultimate Ninja difficulty coming on April 24 which will remain free for a month. Check out the video below as well as the screenshots.
]]>Team Ninja believes it has remedied issues with redeeming Ninja Gaiden 3's online pass.
]]>Reviews of Tecmo Koei's Ninja Gaiden 3 have just gone live, and the scores range from a 3 right up to an 8. The game has clearly polarized the press.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3 hasn't even been released yet, but screens for the game's DLC have already surfaced.
]]>Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi is in charge of a franchise noted for its violence and gore, but worries too many games fail to give violence the proper treatment.
]]>Tecmo Koei will push out free content updates for Ninja Gaiden III fans.
]]>The launch trailer for Ninja Gaiden 3 has been released. Watch it below. Ninja Gaiden 3 is out next week on March 20 in the US March 23 in Europe for PS3 and Xbox 360.
]]>Canadian retailer Videogames Plus is taking pre-orders for a Ninja Gaiden 3 bundle, which includes a Dragon Sword PS Move peripheral.
]]>GAME will not stock Tecmo Koei titles Ninja Gaiden 3 and Warriors Orochi 3, the publisher's confirmed this morning, while Capcom has announced Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City will also not be in the shop next week.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3's multiplayer isn't just about cutting up other ninjas. Oh, alright, yes it is.
]]>There may not be any dismembered limbs, but this Ninja Gaiden 3 gameplay footage has plenty to offer.
]]>Tecmo Koei has confirmed Ninja Gaiden 3 will require an online pass for multiplayer.
]]>New screenshots for Ninja Gaiden 3 are posted below, and they are lovely to behold as usual - even if this batch looks like someone went insane with the sharpening tool in their photo editing program. Still, they're nice, and you can thank Andriasang for bringing them to our attention. Ninja Gaiden 3 is slated for release on March 20 in the US March 23 in Europe.
]]>Team Ninja has released a new developer diary for Ninja Gaiden 3, which gives the viewer a look in the thoughts process behind the development of the game as well as its story and characters.
]]>Team Ninja's confirmed it will feature a Japanese option for Ninja Gaiden 3's western release. When asked if it'd feature the option for menus, subs and voiceovers, the studio Twitter - typically manned by studio boss Yosuke Hayashi - confirmed: "Yes, you can choose it."
]]>Team Ninja has stated through the magic of Twitter that pre-orders for Ninja Gaiden 3 are a bit higher in Japan than what is normal for the series. Likely, this has something to do with folks getting a Dead or Alive 5 demo with their pre-order, and due to this, the firm has suggested everyone pre-order early to ensure they get the trial. The firm has also noted that if you press select when playing the game, you can open up a real-time move list, which changes depending on skill you're using at the time. Ninja Gaiden 3 is out in March on PS3 and Xbox 360. Thanks, Andriasang.
]]>Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi believes the Dead or Alive fanbase has grown past bouncing breasts and wants real female fighters.
]]>The faceless hordes are faceless no more in this Ninja Gaiden 3 developer diary, which may make you a little uncomfortable about chopping them up for a bonus.
]]>Koei Tecmo has announced the contents of the Ninja Gaiden 3 Collector's Edition, which as previously reported, will include a Dead or Alive 5 demo. Also included, is the game, an art book, soundtrack disc, and a Duel of the Mask figurine for $99 on PS3 and Xbox 360. A shot of the Collector's Edition is posted below. The game is out in the US on March 20 and in the UK March 23.
]]>Wanna see Ninja Gaiden 3's multiplayer in action? Head through the break. Here's a spoiler: there's blood.
]]>CVG's posted the first half-hour of Ninja Gaiden 3. How does Team Ninja's return to the series kick off? Get it after the break.
The game's out on PS3 and 360, along with a demo of Dead or Alive 5 for CE buyers, on March 23 in Europe.
]]>Tecmo-Koei released a big batch of new Ninja Gaiden 3 screens today showing off more moments from the single player portion of the game as well as a few from the multiplayer portion. Screenshot gallery inside. Warning: glorious/horrifying bloodsplatter after the break.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3, when it launches in Japan on March 22, will launch with an alpha taster of Dead or Alive 5, Tecmo Koei has said overnight.
]]>The latest Famitsu's reporting this week Tecmo Koei will launch Ninja Gaiden 3 in Japan on March 22 for PS3 and 360. It also has listed standard and "collectors editions." As far as we know, no special editions for the game have been announced as yet. A western release date hasn't been announced other than "early 2012." We'll email TK Europe this morning.
]]>"With developers taking stuff that they normally would have put on the disc and selling that for DLC later, we think that lowers the value of the actual disc, the players that are going to buy that disc. We don’t think that’s a good way to do things. But as for using DLC as a way to add more stuff and increase the longevity of the title, if we’re adding stuff later we think that will… Fans will enjoy that, we as developers will enjoy that, we’ll just have that much more time to spend with that game. That’s the approach that we would like to take." - Team Ninja studio head Yosuke Hayashi to VentureBeat.
]]>A press event this week has yielded a few details of Ninja Gaiden 3's multiplayer.
]]>You can customise your ninja, unlock special moves, commit hara kiri and engage in bloody four-way slicefests in Ninja Gaiden 3's multiplayer mode, according to these images.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3 will launch on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in March, Team Ninja lead Yosuke Hayashi told journalists including Joystiq yesterday. The studio has since followed up with confirmation on Twitter. The latest entry in the famously difficult hack-and-slash series will also appear on Wii U when the system launches next year, and a Vita game is expected in February.
]]>There are no morality choices in Ninja Gaiden 3; you either cut your enemies down or fall in their place.
]]>If you thought Ninja Gaiden 3 couldn't look any bloodier than it already does, wait until you glimpse the screenshots below the break. In the shots, you'll see Ryu hacking and slashing it out with the Alchemist Forces in Dubai. Game's planned for a February release on PS3 and Xbox 360. Thanks, Gematsu.
]]>Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hyashi has a hell of a reputation to live up to. Brenna Hillier cornered him to get the word on the genuinely hardcore Ninja Gaiden 3.
]]>Tecmo Koei has sent over 12 screenshots for Ninja Gaiden 3, showing Ryu dispatching enemies in a bloody fashion. There's also a couple in there of his new ninpo, which allows him to turn into a fiery dragon. Nice. The game launches early next year for PS3 and 360. A Wii U version is also being developed.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3 is all about Ryu Harabasa becoming a dark hero, according to Tecmo Koei localisation boss Peter Garza. He spoke to Johnny Cullen at Eurogamer Expo on the game.
]]>Tecmo Koei localisation producer Peter Garza has suggested we're going to start seeing a split from games being made between Japanese and western developers.
]]>"The story for Other M was definitely the product of Mr. Sakamoto at Nintendo. We definitely worked with them on the project, but that was all him. For NG3, we’ve worked with Masato Kato to create our own story. It’s going to be different in a lot of ways. There are definitely things we learned from Other M by working with Mr. Sakamoto and with Nintendo that we’ve applied to the NG development. The actual story that you will experience here, however, will have a very different feel. A 'Team Ninja' feel, you might say." - Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi to G4 regarding the stories in Other M and NG3.
]]>Tecmo Koei's held a developer session on Ninja Gaiden 3 at Eurogamer Expo, and Johnny Cullen liveblogged it. Get the details below the break.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3 will let you transform into a fire dragon, able to kill everybody in the room and absorb their life energies. And while it'll dispatch everybody double-quick, you may start second-guessing your attack.
]]>Team Ninja has explained that Hero Mode in Ninja Gaiden 3, which is a less-challenging mode with auto dodges and blocks, was implemented so newcomers to the series could experience the story without dying all the time.
]]>Team Ninja lead Yosuke Hayashi defended the studio's move to not feature frequent decapitations and other freeform dismemberment in Ninja Gaiden 3. Something which was present in its predecessors.
]]>Dead or Alive 5 was the main meat in its press conference, but Team Ninja hasn't forgotten about Ryu.
]]>Team Ninja channeled the spirit of the Tokyo Game Show season tonight with two new game announces and details of Ninja Gaiden 3's online multiplayer.
]]>Sony's announced its full lineup for Tokyo Game Show in two weeks, confirming that 19 yet to be announced games for Vita will be at the event.
]]>Team Ninja would "of course" like to expand the Ninja Gaiden series onto other platforms if possible.
]]>Just when we thought we knew what to expect from the Ninja Gaiden series, KOEI Tecmo has announced that the game will feature full PlayStation Move functionality.
]]>Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi has said the studio isn't trying to emulate Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell with Ninja Gaiden 3.
]]>Team Ninja isn't planning to offer a toned down gameplay experience to those who are expecting Ninja Gaiden 3 to be challenging.
]]>EG's announced Ninja Gaiden III will be at Eurogamer Expo, while BioWare's confirmed it'll also be at the show with Star Wars: The Old Republic.
]]>Team Ninja is using a series of cinematic tricks collectively labelled "steel on bone" to communicate Ninja Gaiden 3's violence, in place of earlier outings' visual gore.
]]>Team Ninja has reiterated that Ninja Gaiden 3 will focus on the consequence of killing.
]]>We've all heard the preview scandals - Ninja Gaiden 3 turns down the gore, packs in quick time events, and uses touch-screen controls. But Team Ninja is quick to point out that demos can be misleading.
]]>Tecmo Koei's announced plans on how DLC for Ninja Gaiden 3 will work. The game will receive new missions and new challenges to play, as well as be introduced to character that are included as downloadable content. Ninja Gaiden 3 launches next year for PS3, 360 and Wii U.
]]>Kotaku's got up a rough off-screen grab of Ninja Gaiden 3, showing the actioner in raw motion. The 2012 Koei title's set in London and, again, features Ryu. This one's going to have eight-way co-op, apparently. Take a look.
]]>GTTV's aired an exclusive trailer for Team Ninja's upcoming Ninja Gaiden title, Ninja Gaiden 3.
]]>Thanks to Famitsu, we've got some shots of Ninja Gaiden 3 for you posted below the break.
]]>Apparently some lucky subscribers have found a Ninja Gaiden 3 info dump in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, with lots of delightful details and one motion-control shaped surprise.
]]>Head inside for the full story on GDC 2011's first day, including details from the show's indie track and some stealth announces from Valve and Tecmo.
]]>Tecmo Koei's just released a teaser trailer for Ninja Gaiden 3 ahead of a further update in June.
]]>Team Ninja will use their experience on Dead or Alive: Dimensions to ensure the upcoming Ninja Gaiden 3DS is markedly different from its console brethren.
]]>Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi has told EG that Ninja Gaiden 3 will be more approachable then previous games in the series.
]]>Team Ninja has told Famitsu it has canceled two projects it was working on before Tomonobu Itagaki departed the development firm.
]]>Tecmo Koei's announced Ninja Gaiden 3 at a behind-closed-doors event in Tokyo.
]]>Ninja Gaiden 3 will be awesome, brilliant, "spectacular". At least, that seems to be the impression given by Koei-Tecmo managing director Yoshiki Sugiyama.