VG247 The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood Feed

Turbine has announced that Siege of Mirkwood, a digital expansion to Lord of the Rings Online: The Mines of Moria, Volume II, will be released this fall.

Siege of Mirkwood will expand the online world of Middle-earth where players will join forces go into the dark, creepy, spider infested forest of Mirkwood where the conclusion to Volume II will take place.

The download includes anincreased level cap, the fortress of Dol Goldur, enhancements to combat and Legendary Items and the introduction of Skirmishes, a new system where players will train customizable soldiers and take them into battle as part of the War of the Ring.

Details regarding pricing, preorder offers and availability will be unveiled soon.

Sounds great. Hopefully we will be able to meet the elves of Mirkwood as well - that's where Legolas is from ya know. Mirkwood is also close to the Lonely Mountain and the Beorens so who knows what the future has in store for players of LOTRO.

Hopefully something very cool.

Full press release below.

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