Insomniac Games has announced that Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault will arrive on PSN for Vita next week. It will come with Deadlocked HD as a bonus.
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault - or Q-Force in PAL territories - will benefit from a free content update early in the new year. As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, the game will be patched this week to address balance issues, but the update will also add two new levels to the game's weapons. In January, a second patch will deliver a brand new multiplayer map - Metropolis. Further free maps and skins are expected throughout 2013; the Vita version, free via Cross Buy, is expected in January.
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault is out today in the US, and for $19.99 you can play along as Ratchet, Clank and Captain Qwark embark on a new adventure. To celebrate, Insomniac Games has posted some concept art over on the PS Blog. Those in European release regions can expect the game, known as QForce, to land at their local retail store via the following schedule: UK, Ireland November 30; Australia and New Zealand November 29; and Europe tomorrow, November 28.
]]>Sony has announced a delay to the Vita version of Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault (otherwise known as Q-Force, depending on territory). The PlayStation 3 version is still due on November 27, but its portable brother won't go on sale until January 2013, according to the PlayStation Blog. To compensate for the wait, Sony will bundle in a piece of free DLC - the Mini-Boss Skin Pack. The Vita version will be free to all those who grab the $20 PlayStation 3 version, and the two are cross-save and competitive cross-play compatible.
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault has been dated for the US.
]]>Ratchet & Clank interest "certainly hasn't waned" for fans of the series, according to Insomniac boss Ted Price. In fact, it's a series fans of the developer "are most passionate about."
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force has gone into beta, and it's now open for PS Plus members, Sony has announced. The beta will be made available "for a limited time to some lucky PS Plus members," from 4.00pm GMT today. The beta will include a tutorial mode, ranked competitive multiplayer, and leaderboards. More information is available on the PS Blog. Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force will release later this year. The game is known as Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault in the US, and it contains Cross-Play between the PS3 and Vita versions, and is one of Sony’s Cross-Buy titles.
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force is coming to a retailer near you this fall, and to get you excited, Sony has released the gamescom trailer for Insomniac's latest. The game is known as Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault in the US, and it contains Cross-Play between the PS3 and Vita versions, and is one of Sony's Cross-Buy titles.
]]>Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force screenshots have been released by Sony as part of its massive gamescom asset barrage. The Insomniac title takes you back into classic third-person Ratchet gameplay, and adds a bit of a tower defense element to the game in certain levels as well. Q-Force also includes an online mode as well as “loads of upgrades, extra character skins and unlockable content.” Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force out in the fall through PSN and known in the US as Full Frontal Assault.
]]>Insomniac has posted new details on Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force, noting that first off, the game takes you back to the classic camera, weapons and third-person Ratchet gameplay, despite having a tower defense element to it.
]]>Insomniac's announced Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault for PSN on the US PS Blog.