
James looks up at something in the Silent Hill 2 remake

Multiple horror game characters are shown. From left to right, there is: Fatal Frame Project Zero's Ose Kurosawa, Alien Isolation's Xenomorph, Resident Evil 7's Jack Baker, the chef from Little Nightmares, and Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2

The best story games to play in 2024

Bomb Rush Cyberpunk James from Silent Hill 2 mod

James Sunderland's facial expression is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake


私たちの特別な場所 | サイレントヒル2リメイク攻略

ジェームス・サンダーランドが乗り出している悪夢のような旅を助ける、サイレントヒル 2 のウォークスルーです。


James Sunderland points a shotgun at a Bubble Head Nurse in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The words DEED DONE are shown on a Vanity Mirror in Lake View Hotel in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James interacts with a safe in the Otherworld Hotel's Manager's Office in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James faces a bookshelf in the Lake View Hotel's Reading Room in the Silent Hill 2 remake


最後まで頑固 | サイレントヒル 2 本棚パズルの解決策

サイレントヒル 2 リメイク版の読書室の本棚パズルを解く方法は次のとおりです。見た目よりもシンプルです!


James holds the Blue Gem after retrieving it from the Jeweler's storefront in East South Vale in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James interacts with a locked safe in the Silent Hill 2 remake's motel, Jack's Inn


ジャックスイン! | サイレントヒル 2 モーテルの安全コード

サイレントヒル 2 のモーテル、ジャックス インにある金庫の暗号を解読する方法は次のとおりです。


James looks at the safe in the Director's Office of Brookhaven Hospital in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James Sunderland walks through the alley in Wood Side Apartments in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James looks at the safe in the Director's Office of Brookhaven Hospital in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James looks at the X-Ray Viewer of Brookhaven Hospital in the Silent Hill 2 remake

A shot of East South Vale in the Silent Hill 2 remake is shown

James puts his hand into a hole in the wall in Toluca Prison in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James can be seen in a boat on Toluca Lake  in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James Sunderland approaches a bathtub covered in insects in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James looks up at something in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James approaches a ledge in Blue Creek Apartments in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James' eyes begin to water while listening to a record at Neely's Bar in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The Grand Market Keypad is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James looks at the walls of Wood Side Apartment's Room 206 in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James solves the Coin Cabinet puzzle and retrieves a key in Wood Side Apartments in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James Sunderland points a shotgun at a Bubble Head Nurse in the Silent Hill 2 remake

"Whether it's good or bad doesn't affect the original" - Silent Hill 2's original director on Bloober's remake

James is gearing up a spiked plank to hit a monster in Silent Hill 2.

James looks at an illuminated, glowing door in the Otherworld's Hotel Basement in the Silent Hill 2 remake

A fish statue in the Lake View Hotel Garden is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake

A painting of Pyramid Head in the Historical Society is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The Lady in the Door is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake


トリック・オア・トリート? | サイレントヒル 2 異世界病院ガイド

もう病院は終わったと思った?もう一度考えてみましょう。サイレントヒル 2 の異世界病院からの脱出を試みる時が来ました。


James looks at a painting, the Isle of the Dead, found in the Director's Office of Brookhaven Hospital in the Silent Hill 2 remake


それはただの二日酔いです | サイレントヒル 2 ブルックヘブン病院ガイド

メアリーとローラの両方を追って、このサイレントヒル 2 ガイドでブルックヘブン病院を訪問する時が来ました。


James and Maria sit on a bench with one another in Moonlight Grove in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James looks at a note on the wall in Blue Creek Apartments, referring to the Grandfather Clock puzzle in the Silent Hill 2 Remake

The Coin Cabinet puzzle of Wood Side Apartments is shown in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James Sunderland swings the Wooden Plank at a Lying Figure in the Silent Hill 2 remake

James approaches a black door in the Labyrinth in the Silent Hill 2 remake


私はあなたのメアリーではありません | サイレントヒル 2 ラビリンス ガイド

腐敗がはびこる迷路のような廊下、他に何があるかは神のみぞ知る、サイレントヒル 2 のラビリンスをナビゲートする方法は次のとおりです。


Eddie can be seen wielding a revolver in the Silent Hill 2 remake


エディ... | サイレントヒル 2 トルカ刑務所ガイド

スパイダー マネキンなどを使って、サイレント ヒル 2 のトルカ刑務所を通過する方法を紹介します。


A five start review score for Silent Hill 2 is shown alongside the game's logo

A giant, scarred head of a woman staring directly at a man in front of her in Silent Hill 4: The Room.

Silent Hill 2 remake screenshot of James holding a pistol, looking at a dirty wall with text on it that reads "reap what you sow."

If you want to play the original Silent Hill 2 before its remake comes out, the final update for the fan-made Enhanced Edition makes it the best way to do so

Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2.

An image of James' shoe as he enters Silent Hill is shown alongside him looking in the apartments' mirror in the Silent Hill 2 remake

Silent Hill 2 logo in a sticky, web-like font, in the middle of a scene of a man walking through a  foggy town under some traffic lights

Angela and James are talking in the graveyard in the Silent Hill 2 remake

Silent Hill 2 remake screenshot of James holding a pistol, looking at a dirty wall with text on it that reads "reap what you sow."